Move Better • Feel Better • Live Better


A Sensory Journey of Movement, Mindfulness, Connection + Joy

ART OF SENSATION explores Nia practices and philosophy in 13 body-centered principles that have been developed and tested by thousands of participants over 40 years. 

This transformative experience guides you home to your body where you will discover and connect with your authentic self.

Learning to listen to the voice of your body develops body literacy and empowers you to make choices that enhance health and total well-being in your body and life.

Teresa and Jennifer are offering a special Art of Sensation experience to explore The Body’s Way through the lens of social justice. While we cannot always change our external circumstances, we can choose how to be present. We can choose to be in our bodies, to inhabit ourselves, and to be the facilitator of our own liberation.

“As long as you are searching for injustices that live outside of your body, then you are seeking no justice at all.” - Reverend Angel Williams




Creatively explore five core areas of study to enhance your body + life

  • The Body's Way Philosophy: study of the body's inherent wisdom
  • Sensation Science: study of body awareness, health + vitality
  • Sensory Anatomy: study of body design, part + systems
  • Movement Creativity: study of moving, health + potential
  • Music + Sound Resonance: study of sound, health + expression


$1599 USD + tax (paid in two installments)


Experience Highlights


13 Body-Centered Principles | Holistic Body - Mind - Emotion - Spirit | The Body's Way Sensory Perception | Vitality - Sense of Being Alive - Joy of Movement | Imagination + Emotional Expression Pearls | Music Meditation | Sensory Study of Authenticity | Sensory Anatomy | Developmental Movement Patterning | Sensory Study of Primal Motivation | Core - Upper Extremities - Base Sensory IQ Kinesphere | Personalizing Movement | Flow State Psychology | Transformational Practice | Well-Being Mindset


$1599 USD + tax (paid in two installments)


Nia Techniques + Practices to Increase Joy, Pleasure, Awareness, Mindfulness and Connection in your Body + Life including:

  • Four Parts of Being Human

    Listen and connect deeply with your Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit

  • Joy of Movement

    Tools and techniques to sustain and increase joy and pleasure in your body.

  • Living Meditation

    Develop presence, ease and relaxation in any moment.

  • 52 Moves of Nia

    How to use of the language of Nia for conditioning and self healing.

  • Well-Being Fitness

    Consciously cultivate Flexibility, Agility, Mobility, Strength, Stability and Stillness to enhance your movement skill and quality of life

  • The Body's Way Philosophy

    Using somatic anatomy and awareness for sustainable movement, conditioning and self-healing.

  • Art of Listening

    Connect with music, sound, silence in a deep and profound way.

  • FreeDance

    A practice to liberate your body, mind, emotions and spirit and discover new ways to move and connect with your body.

  • Fusion of 9 Distinct Movement Arts

    Create energetic, emotional and movement variety through the blending 3 Martial Arts, 3 Dance Arts and 3 Healing Arts.

  • Body Wisdom

    Listen to the voice of your body and use your internal judgement-free witness as a tool to feel better.

  • Well-Being Mindset

    Tools + techniques to support a lifestyle of holistic well-being, meaning and purpose.

  • Global Community

    Connect with a diverse global community of curious, committed and inspired individuals.


Teresa Myers

Teresa is a licensed Black-Belt Nia Practitioner and part of the 3NGT training program. She discovered Nia after an exhaustive search for an exercise routine she could do following an extensive surgery to remove cancer that had eaten through muscle in her back and rib cage. You name the form of exercise and Teresa has probably tried it in her quest to regain health and movement. When Teresa found Nia, she truly got her life back. She is virtually pain free, much of the scar tissue both internally and externally has been alleviated and in many ways Teresa believes she is moving better now than she was before the surgery. While Nia helped her to heal physically, she also realized Nia had an incredible ability to help her mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Ask her what she did after Trayvon Martin was killed. Ask her what she did after the mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ask her what she did after (fill in the blank-too many injustices to name). Ask her what she did after seeing the confederate flag being paraded through the Capitol Building. She took Nia to the dance floor to move this trauma and oppression out of her body. Teresa is passionate about sharing Nia and its healing potential as a somatic movement and mindfulness lifestyle practice. Through this incredible mind, body, spirit practice, Teresa has been led to holistic health and healing.  She has studied Traditional Naturopathic Medicine, Massage Therapy, Touch for Health, Herbal Medicine, and Energy Medicine: Reiki, Polarity and Therapeutic Touch.

Nia Faculty Trainer Jennifer Hicks

In 2004 I began attending Nia classes as a way of recovering from a long struggle with adult-onset anorexia and exercise addiction. Experiencing firsthand the positive impact Nia had and still has on my life, I knew I needed to bring Nia to my world. As a Nia White Belt Trainer I specialize in helping people move towards body acceptance and find body and fitness liberation (i.e., freedom from systems of oppression that classify certain bodies or movement practices as more worthy and desirable than others). I believe that all bodies are worthy, that shrinking them doesn't make us better or happier people, and that partnering with our bodies to create a healthy relationship with them offers freedom and ease. As a Health At Every Size (HAES) informed instructor I take an anti-diet, weight neutral, judgement-free approach to my life, teaching, coaching and training. As part of the HAES paradigm I am committed to advancing social justice and respecting the diversity of human bodies (including, explicitly, larger bodies and all their intersections). You'll never hear me talking about weight, diets, food or equating any behaviour with moral value, fitness included. The HAES philosophy aligns with my own and with Nia in that we believe that, at a fundamental level, people can trust themselves and their bodies and that society should encourage such self-reliance. In this viewpoint, pleasure is prioritized over denial and you are encouraged to exercise agency and autonomy over your body and your experience. I intimately understand how lived experiences can create complicated relationships with exercise and I strongly believe that our individual innate body knowledge can guide us to more rewarding movement experiences and lives. I am a proud member of ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Heath) and FPAWS (Fitness Professionals Against Weight Stigma). My story of Nia and recovery has been featured in The Toronto Star, The Globe & Mail, The Times of India, Moods Magazine, on radio (CFRB 1010), and in two books, The Truth About Exercise Addiction by Katherine Schreiber & Heather A. Hausenblas, and Mess: The Hospital Anthology edited by Julie Devaney and Dave Molenhuis. I am also a Certified Personal Trainer and maintain a private practice in Speech-Language Pathology supporting people living with stroke and brain injury. Class Info: I teach 10-12 Nia classes per week to a variety of students in a variety of settings, currently mostly online. I offer a variety of movement options: from gentle/seated to classic Nia to a more vigorous MOVEit class and have expertise in working with seniors, people living with dementia, and people with eating/exercise disorders. I intimately understand the physical, mental and emotional obstacles and challenges larger-bodied individuals (like myself) face both in everyday life and in fitness scenarios. I'd love to help you claim your right to joyful movement experiences where you can celebrate your body, and move away from punishing or controlling it. You deserve that. I put JOY at the forefront of every movement experience and the experience is always judgement-free. You'll find size and mobility accessible options and will never hear me talking about weight, diets, food or equating any behaviour with moral value, fitness included. I've been to the dark side of body control and now I choose to accept my body as it was intended to be. Please, come as you are and be exactly who you are. I'm here to share a safe, welcoming, affirming and joyful space with you to celebrate our bodies and our lives!


This 16-Session Online Experience Includes:

1)  16 2-Hour LIVE Experiential Sessions via ZOOM where you will experience the 13 ART OF SENSATION principles through embodied exercises, personal reflection and group discussion
       (live participation is encouraged, however replay access is available)

2)  10 LIVE Online Nia Classes with your Trainer to help you embody and integrate ART OF SENSATION principles and practices

3)  Small Peer Group "PODS" to share learning, connect with your peers and build community

4)  Pre-Training Online Course Portal with materials and information to prepare you for your ART OF SENSATION experience

5)  ONLINE Course Portal* with access to the ART OF SENSATION Curriculum including

  • 15 individual ART OF SENSATION session booklets (PDF Downloads) sharing Nia philosophy, principles and practices correlated to each live session
  • Nia ART OF SENSATION Journal to document and record your course journey (PDF Download)
  • 2-Week FREE Trial of Nia On Demand (for new Nia On Demand subscribers)
  • Bonus Materials

*You will have access to your online course portal for a total of 18 weeks (for the duration of your training plus bonus time).  If you wish to extend your portal access, you are invited to join Nia Membership at the conclusion of your training.

CLICK HERE to learn more about becoming a Nia Teacher.


Experience the ART OF SENSATION



Anyone can take the Nia ART OF SENSATION White Belt. 

This course is adaptable to all levels of fitness, experience and abilities.


After you graduate, you are invited to join our global community of Nia members.

Nia membership is for every training graduate, with choices for the passionate body and life student, the prospective Nia teacher and the Nia teaching professional. 

Joining Nia membership connects you to a global movement of peers who, like you, are living the magic of Nia in body and life.



Registration and instruction fees are non-refundable. Should you cancel your registration more than 30 days prior to the training start date, the registration fee will be credited to your Nia account. Should you cancel your registration less than 30 days prior to the training start date, you will incur a cancellation fee of $250, which will be deducted from your registration fee. The remaining balance will be credited to your Nia account.


Space is Limited

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds



Please email us at [email protected] with any questions or help getting started.